🔃Limits per request

To ensure good API performance, integrations will be subject to a throttling threshold. Current limits are described below.

In addition to the rate limiting, each API endpoint has limits on the number of objects that it can transact in each request (each single request).

For the POST/PUT/DELETE verb type endpoints, when an application exceeds the maximum allowed number of objects in a single request, the API WILL NOT process the request and will return an error code 413 (Request entity too large). In this case, it is your responsibility to modify the requested quantity of objects and retry your request later.

For most of GET verb type endpoints, when an application exceeds the maximum allows number of objects in a single request, the API will process the request and will return a successful code 206 (Partial content).

The partial content contains UP TO the maximum allowed number of objects that the request can handle, no matter the quantity that the application have requested. In this case, it is your responsibility to modify the requested quantity of objects and retry your request later.

If the application do not exceed the maximum allowed number of objects that the request can handle, the API will return a successful code 200.

Each one of the API endpoints has a different quantity limit and they are documented in the next sections. The quantity and paging limit are PER REQUEST. This limit is not per time-window period. One single request cannot exceed the maximum number of objects that can manage.

Last updated