Best integrations practices
Best practices recommendations to optimize performance and reduce quota consumption when using integration services.
Stock and Prices
• Read the provided documentation to minimize integration issues.
• Only send updates for products that exist in Alephee's catalog.
• Do not send updates for products that do not exist.
• Only send updates for products that have had their price or inventory/stock modified.
• Do not send updates for products that have not been modified at all.
• Do not update one product per API call.
• Instead, send a "batch" of several products in each call.
• Take advantage of the update time slots.
• Do not use the daytime update time slot to make updates that can be done during the nighttime update time slot.
• Develop a scheme for "retrying" submissions in case of communication failures with the API.
• Use the provided services efficiently.
• Do not make calls every minute for similar cases.
• Read the provided documentation to minimize integration issues.
• Only take from each order what the integrating system requires.
• Do not process all order attributes but only those needed for the integration.
• Implement 2 (two) order integration cycles from Alephee:
• Normal cycle:
Retrieve orders with a filter of "not integrated" in Alephee, without any other filter (GET orders method).
Process each order in the integrating system, paying special attention to those in cancelled status.
Mark each order in Alephee as integrated (PUT orders/integrate method).
• Late cancellation cycle:
For orders that were cancelled after the sale and were previously integrated.
Retrieve orders with filters of CANCELLED status and modified in the last X days (GET orders method).
Process each order and cancel it in the integrating system using the corresponding method for each system.
• Use the provided services efficiently.
• Do not make calls every 1 minute or similar cases.
Last updated
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