Business rules
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• Selecting product listings: You can request to change the status of product listings by indicating the brand/SKU of the product OR a list of product listings IDs from each marketplace. One or the other. Not at the same time. => When setting product brand/SKU this method will attempt to update all the product listings belonging to that product. => When setting product listings IDs, this method will attempt to update all the given product’s active listings on the marketplace. Only product listings in active status will be processed. Paused product listings or under_review or finished product listings will not be processed. => This endpoint will not accept any SKU or product listing ID that belongs to a product, where the product is a component of one or more KITs containers. Why? By changing the price of a listing, this listing is disconnected from the product’s price. If that product is a component of a KIT container, the publications of that KIT will not be updated and will remain with an old and obsolete price. You cannot fix the price of the product listings until you remove the given product from all containers in the KITs. • Changing product listings´ s prices There are three available price attributes for product listings: => Price: Set a new fixed price. The product listing will disconnect its price product base price. Allowed values are in the range from $0.01 to $999,999,999.99. 0 (zero) is not a valid value. Negative signed numbers are not valid values.
Setting the price in a product listing causes it to be disconnected from the auto calculated price based on the base price of the product to which the product listing belongs to. So, ulterior modifications made to the price of the product will NOT impact the product listing price.
=> Margin: Set a new margin, based on its product base price. Allowed values are in the range from -99.99 to 99.99. => AddedFixedValue: Set an extra/additional fixed value to the product listing, based on its product base price. Allowed values are in the range from -9,999.99 to 9,999.99.
You can request to change the pricing of product listings by setting the following price properties and allowed combinations:
(only this attribute)
The given price
Product listings selling price on the marketplace The product listing’s margin is set to 0.00
The product listing’s added fixed value is set to 0.00
The product listing will disconnect its base price from the Alephee product.
(only this attribute)
Taken from the product base price…
+ The given margin
Product listings selling price on the marketplace
The product listing’s margin is set to the given one
The product listing will reconnect its base price from the Alephee product.
AddedFixedValue (only this attribute)
Taken from the product price… + The added fixed value
Product listings selling price on the marketplace
The product listing’s added fixed value is set to the given one
(two attributes)
Taken from the product base price…
+ The given margin
+ The added fixed value
Product listings selling price on the marketplace
The product listing’s margin is set to the given one.
The product listing’s added fixed value is set to the given one
The product listing will reconnect its base price from the Alephee product.
Margin (two attributes)
Not allowed combination.
AddedFixedValue (two attributes)
Not allowed combination.
Some examples: We have one product with SKU “XYZ010” with a base selling price of $1.000. This product has one product listing with ID: “MLA37463839292” with a current selling price of $1.000.
Example 1: Using this endpoint with the “Price” attribute set to 1300…. - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will disconnect its price from the product “XYZ010” - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will set its margin to 0.00 - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will set its added fixed value to 0.00 - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will update its selling price to $1.300.
Example 2: Using this endpoint with the “Margin” attribute set to 32.50…. - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will reconnect its price from the product “XYZ010” ($1.000) - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will set its margin to 32,50% - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will update its selling price to $1.325.
Example 3: Using this endpoint with the “AddedFixedValue” attribute set to 136.00…. - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will reconnect its price from the product “XYZ010” ($1.000) - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will set its added fixed value to $136.00 - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will update its selling price to $1.136.
Example 4: Using this endpoint with the “Margin” attribute set to 19.00 and the “AddedFixedValue” attribute set to 92.00…. - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will reconnect its price from the product “XYZ010” ($1.000) - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will set its margin to 19,00% - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will set its added fixed value to $92.00 - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will update its selling price to $ 1.282.
Example 6: Using this endpoint with the “Price” attribute set to 3295…. - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will disconnect its price from the product “XYZ010” - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will set its margin to 0.00 - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will set its added fixed value to 0.00 - The product listing “MLA37463839292” will update its selling price to $3.295.
• Product listing’s maximum and minimum prices Some marketplaces set the minimum and maximum selling prices for the products listings. The Mercado Libre marketplace has a minimum and a maximum price for the product listing category in which the product listing is published. In the case of exceeding the marketplace’s rules, this endpoint will return an error and the allowed range of prices of the category in which the product listing is published.